Research findings in Maths Recovery

Teachers’ perceptions and experiences of Maths Anxiety – Dissertation by Catherine Staunton- Unsworth
Teachers’ perceptions and experiences of Maths Anxiety – Dissertation by Catherine Staunton- Unsworth

A study of the impact of engaging with Maths Recovery CPD on Teachers Maths Anxiety and confidence in teaching maths. The purpose of this research paper was to look at teachers’ perceptions and experiences of Maths Anxiety whilst also looking at

Effective Pedagogical Practice in Mathematics & Numeracy Evaluation of Training Analysis 2022
Effective Pedagogical Practice in Mathematics & Numeracy Evaluation of Training Analysis 2022

South Lanarkshire Council’s Strategy for Recovery is an ambitious strategy to support recovery in Numeracy and Mathematics. The long-term strategy is to train all primary teachers and appropriate secondary teachers in the pedagogy of Maths

Math Recovery® Efficacy and Effectiveness Research
Math Recovery® Efficacy and Effectiveness Research

by Pamela D. Tabor, Ph.D. (The author wishes to acknowledge the work of many in the Math Recovery® community who contributed to this body of research and reviewed drafts of this article. Bob Wright was particularly insightful in his comments and

Math Recovery Research White Paper 2014
Math Recovery Research White Paper 2014

White paper by: US Math Recovery® Council Math Recovery® Overview: An elementary school implementation of an early intervention program to identify and service of low attaining mathematics students. by: Christina Miller, Director of Programming

Unpacking Mathematisation: An Experimental Framework For Arithmetic Instruction
Unpacking Mathematisation: An Experimental Framework For Arithmetic Instruction

 David Ellemor Collins and Robert J. Wright, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia Research is reviewed that emphasises mathematisation, that is, students bringing increased mathematical sophistication to their activity. A framework is

Structuring Numbers 1 to 20: Developing Facile Addition and Subtraction
Structuring Numbers 1 to 20: Developing Facile Addition and Subtraction

David Ellemor-Collins & Robert (Bob) Wright, Southern Cross University The purpose of this paper is to formulate students’ development toward facile addition and subtraction as an activity of structuring numbers. We aim to articulate the

Evaluating Math Recovery: Assessing the Causal Impact of Math Recovery on Student Achievement
Evaluating Math Recovery: Assessing the Causal Impact of Math Recovery on Student Achievement

Thomas Smith, Paul Cobb, Dale Farran, David Cordray, Charles Munter and Alfred Dunn 2010. An outline of the research which Paul Cobb undertook in the U.S.; a two-year evaluation of Math Recovery conducted in 20 elementary schools.

Developing pedagogical tools for intervention: Approach, methodology, and an experimental framework
Developing pedagogical tools for intervention: Approach, methodology, and an experimental framework

An article by Wright, Ellemor-Collins and Lewis, describing research to develop instructional materials and approaches with low-attaining pupils in the Australian context, drawing on the Maths Recovery principles, frameworks and activities. This

Targeted, One-to-one Instruction in Whole-number Arithmetic: A Framework of Key Elements
Targeted, One-to-one Instruction in Whole-number Arithmetic: A Framework of Key Elements

PHD thesis by Tran Le Thi, January 2016. This investigation addressed the ways in which teacher-student interactions occur in settings where one-to-one instructional methods are being employed to teach primary school students basic arithmetic. From

How far do children who receive the Maths Recovery Intervention in Year Two ‘catch up’ and ‘keep up’ with their peers in Key Stage Two?
How far do children who receive the Maths Recovery Intervention in Year Two ‘catch up’ and ‘keep up’ with their peers in Key Stage Two?

A Masters study by Joanna Gibbs, May 2015 into the longitudinal effects of Maths Recovery as an intervention for children to catch up and keep up with age related expectations. This study explores the longitudinal effects of the Maths Recovery

A study of the impact of Mathematics Recovery training on teaching staff’s constructs about the teaching and learning of number
A study of the impact of Mathematics Recovery training on teaching staff’s constructs about the teaching and learning of number

PHD thesis by Ruth Willey, September 2009. This study looked at the impact of Mathematics Recovery training on teaching staff’s constructs about the teaching and learning of number. This list of constructs is compared with the declared principles

Achieving new heights in Cumbria: Raising standards in early numeracy through mathematics recovery
Achieving new heights in Cumbria: Raising standards in early numeracy through mathematics recovery

This article describes how standards in early numeracy were raised within Cumbria by the application of the Mathematics Recovery Programme. It reports data showing how children’s numeracy improved as a result of the programme, and describes

Maths Recovery Intervention Professional Development

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